Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Will & Sophie

A Day at the Races - Pre Wedding shoot

I have had the pleasure of knowing Sophie for around 7 years and over that time we have become great friends so when I received the call asking me to photograph her wedding I couldn't have been happier to say yes.

Knowing Sophie as I do, I went straight to Will to plan the pre wedding shoot. We both agreed that it would be a great surprise for her as she thought work commitments would make it pretty much impossible to fit it in in the time scale we had.

Will decided that the location of their first house together (Newbury Racecourse) would be great for the shoot. Anyones first house will always be special so why not have that permanent memory with the photos taken there.

The shoot itself was great fun, Sophie being the beauty queen and model loving the camera as much as ever, Will however being a captain in the army was not so used to having the camera pointing at him.

By the end of the shoot he had warmed to the lens and no longer needed any direction, using Sophie as his 'security blanket'  he became as good a model as his lovely wife to be.

A full military wedding at Sandhurst next month has me very excited for their big day.

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